Mohawk & Headphone Jack on Super NES - Advertisement Review

Back in the mid 1990s it was easy to get a side scrolling mascot game made. But after Mario, Sonic, Bubsy, Aero, Sparkster, and the two or three thousand other mascot characters, there just weren't a lot of cute little animals worth making a game about. But that didn't stop the makers of Mohawk & Headphones, they decided to ignore the animal family all together and focus on ... two nude men??

There's not a lot of information to glean from this advertisement, but I can tell you right now that the heroes of this adventure aren't doing much for me. We have two nude dudes with Mohawks running around with headphones on. Headphones?? Are you kidding me, was every other idea in the world already taken? Usually when you read the name of a platformer it tells you what you're going to be doing, but what does Mohawk & Headphone Jack tell me? Are our heroes going to go around giving out extremely outdated haircuts to their enemies? And what is music going to do? Oh wait, the name is just Headphone Jack, so that doesn't even mean he's listening to music. I can't even imagine what these people were thinking when they created such stupid characters.

And that's not the worst part, nowhere on this advertisement does it say what system the game is on. All it says is that it's "Revolutionary," which is why there's a mech with a smiley face, a flying head, and ... hey, is that Mother Brain from Metroid?? Oh c'mon Solid Software, this game isn't "Revolutionary," it's just lame. We may have finally hit the bottom of the barrel for mascot games. You can bash on Bubsy and Aero the Acrobat all day, but at least they had more than one game (and you knew what system their games were for). But seriously, why would you make a mascot out of two nude men??

FROM: Bad Advertising on the Sunset Strip

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