Special Olympics: Summer Games (PS2)

Every two years we get a new Olympics game ... but what about those who aren't physically gifted? What about people who are in wheelchairs, or just can't run real fast? Well, that's why Rockstar Games has brought us a preview copy of Special Olympics: Summer Games! Get ready for classic track and field and water sports played just slightly slower. Hear Wesley Willis sing the National Anthem. Experience the rush as you band both fists on the control trying to make your character

kick, throw, and jump marginally higher than your friends. That's right, it's the Special Olympics Summer Games. summer olympics real And just for fun, they included a few Winter Games, since they're played indoors anyway. So if you are a fan of parking close and big words, do we have a game for you or what??

Before you write to me and say, "but Cyril, this doesn't look real. This is extremely fake looking" ... I just want to you take a look at the picture of the game to the left. It's a picture of a Game Boy Olympics game made many, many years ago. And the one to your right? It's the official game from the most recent Salt Lake City Olympics. See how much better the covers have become in only a short amount of time? Well, the Special Olympics are going to have to pay their dues. They'll start with a crummy cover like this one, and over the next decade or so they'll reinvent themselves. So if this is what you get now, imagine what you'll get on the PlayStation 4.

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