Japan vs. USA: Who Had the Best Sega Genesis Covers?

Who had the better box art: Japan or the United States? That's what we're about to find out in this episode of Defunct Games Decides, the show about coming to a conclusive conclusion. I'll be joined by my buddy and host of The Halcyon Show, Lorne Riseley. Together, we looked at seven classic games released on the Genesis and Mega Drive in the 1980s and 90s. I'm talking about games like Phantasy Star II, Strider, Contra Hard Corps, Columns, Castlevania: Bloodlines and Golden Axe. All of these games had radically different box art, and we're going to decide which country comes out on top. Join us for this debut episode of Defunct Games Decides.

Special thanks to Lorne Riseley, the host and creator of The Halcyon Show. Make sure and subscribe to his channel for reviews, podcasts and live streams.

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