Microplay Video Games - Advertisement Review

Okay, I've said this before and I'm probably going to have to say it until I can no longer talk, but to everybody who ever wants to design a video game advertisement there's just one thing you have to remember -- DON'T FEATURE BODILY FLUIDS! No pee, no poop, no snot and absolutely, under no circumstance, no vomit. I'm serious people, there's just no need for vomit in video game adverts; nobody wants to see it and it's not going to help you sell your product. And really, it's just plain gross!

And just in case you didn't notice that you were looking at vomit, Microplay decided to be subtle and toss in the phrase, "I'm so excited I think I'm going to ... " So, what is Microplay anyway?? From this advertisement you might think they make games for bulimics. Or maybe they make fishing games that make you sea sick? Nope ... actually Microplay Video Games is a store that buys, rents, trades, and repairs video games and systems.

To make all of these even stranger; Microplay's slogan is the confusing, "We Interrupt Your Regular Programming." You do? For what, us to vomit out soup?? The more you look at this advertisement the less you actually want to visit the store it's promoting. It's the little things around the advert that make it disgusting, that and the fact that there was somebody out there who thought this was a really good way to get the word out about Microplay. Speaking of which, has anybody heard from Microplay recently?? I didn't think so.

FROM: Bad Advertising on the Sunset Strip

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