Hourglass Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . Fans of weighted companion cubes rejoice, because Hourglass is a brand-new puzzler with more than a passing resemblance to games like Portal. Set in Egypt and full of mystery and intrigue, this rescue mission is all about recording your actions and then interacting with your past self. Confused? Don’t be, because this clever puzzle game does an excellent job easing you into its unique gameplay mechanics, all while introducing a number of cool new wrinkles along the way. Unfortunately, the game’s story is largely held back until the final act and the gameplay isn’t as tight and responsive as you would have liked, especially when dealing with the more time-sensitive puzzles. But if you can get beyond those issues, you’ll discover a gorgeous adventure game with a lot of cool puzzles and an incredibly satisfying ending. Flawed or not, I want to see more games like Hourglass. Rating: 78%