Retro Golden Age Reviewed by Cyril Lachel on . With each game sold separately, I decided that it would be a good idea to review each game one at a time. That said, there are a lot of features and options that carry over between the three entries in the Retro Golden Age line-up. For starters, all three games will allow you to save at any time, as well as rewind time to fix your past mistakes. You also have a number of video options, including making the screen full size and adding filters to make it look more “authentic” to the 1980s. Unfortunately, the one thing the games don’t come with is any real information about the games. As somebody who has never played these three titles before (and has no experience at all with the Amstrad CPC), it sure would have been nice to get some sort of history lesson, even if it’s just a paragraph giving the games and platform some context. Rating: 67%