Are Games Still Relevant?

Concept: Zoo breaks are often funny on the nightly news, but they aren't such a laughing matter when you're the man responsible for making sure everything gets back to normal. Ape Escape drops gamers into a world where it's catch the monkeys or else. Thankfully our hero is able to use an assortment of unique tools to catch his prey, but at the end of the day nature will always prevail over humanity.

In the Present Day: To this day you still see zoo escapes on the news, a bit of copy I'm sure will never
get old. Although people love the zoo, most can sympathize with animals that are locked up and made to entertain for your amusement. So it's no wonder that these people love to see a good animal break-out, the kind that has to be covered by Chopper 5 who should be doing the mid-day traffic. They're as fun to watch as a prison break, but without the worry of all the criminals.

Man vs. the Earth still appears frequently in games, be it in deep and meaningful ways (like just about every Final Fantasy game), or in a preachy, soapbox kind of way (I'm talking to you Metal Gear Solid 2). But no matter how it's delivered, the idea that the planet (and the animals that inhabit it) are precious, and well worth protecting. I fear that is this theme is lost; it'll be far too late for us.

Relevant? Believe it or not, Ape Escape is still relevant. I mean, monkeys will always be easy to love!
Concept: Eight different fighters individually battle it out for their chance to win the ultimate fighting championship and avenge their demons by defeating the evil M. Bison. No matter the size, race, sex, or blood type, each of these World Warriors seemed ready to do whatever it took to defeat Bison and everything he stands for.

In the Present Day: It has always seemed a little far fetched for a group of fighters all seeking vengeance on the same guy for different reasons. If this M. Bison (or Vega as he likes to be called in Japan) is such a slimy beast you would think one of them would be able to hire a good lawyer and bring him and his entire business down. Just look at what happened with Enron ? and they only pissed off a few retirees!

Of course, there may have been a time when ruffians such as these would rather take their anger out in the ring than in a court of law. In centuries past, when honor was a big deal, people were always ready to avenge whatever wrong they were dealt. But these days man on man violence is at an all time low. The WWE isn't bringing in the numbers they once enjoyed, and who can even name more than two modern day boxers? And while fringe shows like the Ultimate Fighting Championship and the Toughman Competition still have a cult following, they aren't getting the press they were getting only a few years back.

And really, if this Bison is such an evil dictator, surely his country will be next on President Bush's chopping block. After all, you're either with us, or you're against us ? and if Guile's angry, then so is George.

Relevant? The present day world would be a tough place for M. Bison and the rest of the World Warriors. So in this case there's no denying that Street Fighter is not still relevant!