2007/06/23 - 2007/06/24

June 24, 2007 Review - Game Gear

Review: Crystal Warriors

What the portable market needs is a really good role-playing game. The type of RPG that makes you turn off your console and pay close attention to the small screen. Unfortunately Crystal Warriors is...
June 24, 2007 Review - Lynx

Review: Basketbrawl

Long before NBA Street and NBA Jam there were games like Basketbrawl and Arch Rivals. Unfortunately neither of these games was very good, as is demonstrated by this tragic Lynx port of Basketbrawl. ...
June 23, 2007 Review - Jaguar

Review: Attack of the Mutant Penguins

With popular movies like Surf's Up and March of the Penguins, it appears as though penguins are the new hotness. Who would have thought that the well dressed animals would have their day in the sun&#...
June 23, 2007 Review - TurboDuo

Review: Chase HQ

Chase HQ is one of those long-running franchises that doesn't get the respect it deserves. One could argue that without the Chase HQ games we might not have popular titles like Grand Theft Auto and S...