Neo Geo: The Virtual Console Guide

A few months ago we asked, begged and pleaded with Nintendo to add a few more systems to the Virtual Console. We hoped for a Sega Master System channel, or maybe some love for the Atari Jaguar, Super Grafx, 3DO or Saturn. Unfortunately those request fell of dead ears, but the good news is that we got one thing we wanted: Downloadable Neo Geo games! As a long time fan of the Neo Geo, I couldn't be more excited to see these games showing up on Nintendo's newest console. For one thing it's just nice to relive these games
and, more importantly, I love the idea of buying these games for $9 ... and not $200 - $300, which was the price of the cartridges.

To celebrate this recent addition to the Virtual Console, Defunct Games has decided to add a brand new section to our site. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the official Neo Geo: Your Virtual Console Guide. Every week we will go in and update this page with links and opinions about all of the Neo Geo games added to Nintendo's download service. This will be the most comprehensive page for all the information you could possibly need to know about the Neo Geo on the Virtual Console. Not only will you be able to read our capsule thoughts, but you can also check out our full reviews of each game. Watch as this section grows with each passing week. And always make sure you get the game you want when you spend your money on Neo Geo games. This is Your Virtual Console Guide, so get comfortable because you're probably going to be here for awhile.

LAST UPDATED: November 14, 2007

Read the Full Review
SCORE: 32%
Art of Fighting tries to separate itself from the rest of the pack by offering a linear story and huge characters. Unfortunately the end result is a messy fighter with clumsy controls.

Read the Full Review
SCORE: 71%
While it's colorful and full of interesting ideas, Blue's Journey is ultimately a dull and boring experience. There are much better platformers on the Virtual Console.

Read the Full Review
SCORE: 45%
This is one of SNK's most popular fighting franchises, but this first generation title doesn't represent the best elements of the series. It's better to just wait for the sequels.

Review Coming Soon
This phenomenal 2D action game may suffer from poor level designs and a frustrating difficulty, but it's still a lot of fun to play all these years later. Definitely worth the money.

Review Coming Soon
Unlike Fatal Fury, Samurai Shodown and Art of Fighting, World Heroes doesn't take itself too seriously. The sequel is better, but you can find a small amount of fun in this game.