Help Wanted: We're Looking For Game Show Contestants!

Do you like answering video game trivia? Do you think you can go head-to-head against other Defunct Games fans?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, then you're just the person we're looking for!

After years of flirting with different concepts, we're proud to announce that a brand new game show is in the works. This will run every other week and will pit three trivia-loving contestants against each other. That's where you come in.

We're looking for people who want to answer dumb questions about video games. There will be multiple rounds with a variety of questions, and we're going to see who knows the most about the last thirty years of video gaming. There's no name for the show and some of the details have yet to be decided, but we're currently casting people to take part in this exciting new series.

Best of all, we'll work around your schedule. As long as you have an internet connection, a microphone and a brain crammed full of knowledge, then you're set. Tell me the time that works best for you and we'll spend 20 - 30 minutes going over the questions. It's painless.

We're also interested in quizzing gamers that know each other, especially video game podcasters, website operators and YouTubers. Having a rivalry between the three contestants will make things even better.

Does this sound like something you might want to be a part of? If so, then leave a comment below letting me know how to reach you. Or you can go the direct route and shoot me an email, send me a Tweet or track down my home phone number and call me at all hours of the day and night. Actually, don't call me, but Twitter, email and any comment section you can find will be perfect.

Let me know if you have any questions about our contestant search and please share this link and video with anybody who might be interested taking a video game quiz.