Help Wanted: How to Work Really Hard for No Money

Defunct Games needs your help. We've grown into a website that cannot be run by one single person. Seeing this reality, we've decided to put out the call and attract a new generation of writers, critics, voice actors and more. We're looking for undiscovered talent and people with a unique perspective. Below you will find a list of the many positions we're looking for, including some details about what you can expect. If you want to help Defunct Games, then shoot me an email with your information and experience.
Game Critics
Defunct Games is looking for up-and-coming game critics. This is a good way to get your foot in the door and have your reviews published. Currently we're looking for people who are willing to review older games, including titles for the Genesis, Super NES, Saturn, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy and more. Do you have a unique take on classic games? Are you interested in playing the best and worst of the last 30 years? Are you able to string together 400 - 600 words about a single game? If so, then Defunct Games is looking for you.
Feature Writers
While many opt for the comfort of reviews, Defunct Games is also interested in writers looking to work on large features. The good news is that writing features for Defunct Games couldn't be simpler. The site's unorthodox approach (which usually involves throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks) allows for maximum creativity. We have dozens of shows to write for, including On Running Feuds, WORST GAME EVER, Instant Expert, They Said What?!?, Commercial Break. Or maybe you have a brand new show to pitch. Either way, let me know if you're the type of person who wants to write comedy pieces, serious editorials or anything in between.
Voice Talent
As you may have noticed, Defunct Games has branched out into video content. As we continue to delve deeper into the pit of internet talkies, we'll need people who are willing to have their voice recorded. Sometimes this will be acting related, while other times I'll just need somebody for a podcast.
Web Developer
Defunct Games has some serious structural problems. It's also horribly out of date, especially when it comes to social networking. I have exhausted everything I know about web development and need help. If you're the type of person who enjoys fixing up outdated website, then we need to talk. Immediately!
True story: I'm terrible at promoting myself. I'm good at coming up with unique ideas and committing them to paper, but I have a hard time spreading the word. What Defunct Games needs is somebody that can come to the table with new ideas on how to get the word out and, more importantly, attract new visitors to the site. Trust me; we're willing to listen to any and all ideas ... no matter how wacky they are.

Defunct Games does have a few things going for it. For one thing, we have literally thousands of articles, reviews and screenshots on the site. I'm not talking about outdated news, but rather history stories and comedy pieces that continue to be relevant a decade later. Professional writers and editors at major game publications also read the site, substantially improving your chances of being noticed. There are a lot of reasons to help Defunct Games, and none of them have anything to do with puppy dog eyes.