After Thoughts: Mii Characters

It's the first episode of the New Year, and boy is this After Thoughts packed! Thanks to a three month hiatus Jake has plenty of crazy clips to make fun of. I'm talking about everything from a trip to CES, Alien Hominid, Mortal Kombat, World of WarCraft, a smack down from David Jaffe and so much more. This is the longest episode of After Thoughts yet, clocking in at a solid 30 minutes! After dealing with Zelda, Dino Crisis, Devil May Cry and Silent Hill, Jake is excited to take on his newest challenge. Unfortunately the only thing he's going to be fighting this time around is boredom. Jake finally goes next-gen thanks to Nintendo, but is being a Mii everything it's cracked up to be? See what crazy situation Jake got himself into this time when you watch You, Mii, And Everybody We Know. Maybe next episode Jake will finally be transported into a game full of excitement and beautiful babes, but for now he's going to have to see what it's like to not have any ears!

NOTES: This is the kind of show that would not be possible if it weren't for a few nice people out there. Since we stole so much footage from their sites, I would like to thank GameSpot and for being such good sports. I would also like to thank Ed Boon for filming what a Wii commercial that lives up to the system's cheesy potential. Also, here's a big thank you to Luke Smith, a guy who I may like but definitely gives me content for Defunct Games. Thanks to the Consumer Electronics Show, you may not have had too many video games but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Here's a big thank you to Nintendo who developed a system that allows you to develop your own characters, I appreciate that it's still more fun than 99% of the games on the console. And last but not least, I want to thank you for watching this extremely long episode of After Thoughts, tune in next time to see what crazy game we put Jake into!