After Thoughts: Crackdown

These episodes of After Thoughts just keep getting longer and longer, and After Thoughts: Crackdown is easily the longest one yet. After dealing with dinosaurs, weird zombie creatures, a big scary castle, the baddies in Hyrule, and some idiot with a Nintendo Wii, Jake has finally become something he's always wanted to be: A superhero! But don't get too cozy, because it only takes our favorite game hopper thirty minutes before he runs out of things to talk about ... and then it's off to the next game. In this episode we get a Valentine's Day gift from some "Rabbids", we learn how to set up an Atari 5200, we discover a little more about Total Recall then we ever wanted to know, we listen to IGN talk to their retarded friends and yes, we even have a chance to go back to high school with Brooktown High Senior Year, and trust me, that's not even close to being the end of our fun. So stop reading this lame description, click the window below and start up this newest episode of After Thoughts!

NOTES: Holy crap, we have a TON of people to thank for this episode. When it comes to the notes section for a lot of these episodes we only have to thank two or three people/companies, but there are at least seven different entities worth crediting. Honestly, I don't even know where to start with this episode. Let's start with GameSpot, who proves yet again that not everybody who writes for a game publication is good at all games. I would like to thank AND apologize to IGN for not getting their weekly video program on the After Thoughts sooner. A big thanks goes out to Game Trailers and the Angry Video Game Nerd, I just wish there was an easier way of finding all of this guy's videos. Obviously I can't forget to thank, the site that probably gives me the most video content to make fun of. Although they don't really have an official site (other than, Retronauts and the Broken Pixels guys deserve a thank you letter. And of course, where would I be without thanking both UbiSoft and Microsoft? And for good measure maybe I should thank Capcom, who has had their Devil May Cry cinema in literally every episode of After Thoughts! And if I'm going to thank them, then why not thank the Fine Young Cannibals? Okay, I think that's enough, if I somehow missed thanking you then I'm sure I'll be hearing about it tomorrow in my email!