The Alleged Corruption of Sony

Did Rockstar Games add motorcycles because Dawn suggested it? That's what she claims!
Over the last 31 episodes of the On Running Feuds, we have looked at people and companies directly related to the video game industry. We've made an honest attempt to keep our names out of these pages as much as possible. But in this, our 32nd episode, I am here to talk about our own little On Running Feud.

Recently Dawn Gilbert wrote me in an attempt to get her message across. She felt she was not being heard by the mainstream media, and needed some help from a fake video game web site, one like Defunct Games. As I started to dig into the story, Dawn became extremely defensive, to the point where it was difficult mailing each other back and forth. It didn't take long for me to realize that I was now as much a part of this story as Sony was.

I offer to you Dawn's plight, in interview form. This is a conversation with Dawn, as I try to better understand what she's talking about, so I can write a better article. This is probably not what she was expecting, but being as we're the only ones who are actually posting her writing, it will just have to do. I give to you one of the most unforgettable interviews on this web site, I give you Dawn.

Defunct Games:
Hello Dawn, thank you for the letter. I understand you have something you would like to get off your chest. What is it you would like our readers to know?

Dawn Gilbert:
Sony has been stealing my video game ideas since at least 2001. I have [a] copy of the letter sent to Sony Co. of America with the ideas they did use in Grand Theft Auto: Vice city, and the original separate pages of notes those ideas came from. All signed and dated by me, the author which makes them legally copyrighted, even if I haven't paid to send a copy to the U.S. government for it's so called protection.

Defunct Games:
I see, well, what ideas did Rockstar Games steal from you?

Dawn Gilbert:
One of the ideas I sent to Sony was to put motorcycles and tricks listed with them in Grand Theft Auto's next game! They had motorcycle games back then, no reason why [the] feature couldn't have been added save the fact that they like to get as much money from [the] customer as possible be selling it only a little at a time, or the fact that it was not their idea at all, but mine! Same as the more garages and garage space, etc, etc, etc!

Defunct Games:
Have you written Sony about this?

Dawn Gilbert:
The letter sent to Sony was returned to me BY Sony, stamped "received" when and by whom in the company, with [a] standard reply letter from Sony, on company letterhead and envelope. This response letter from Sony said that I would not be paid for these ideas. Even if they used them and even though I had stated in writing that if my ideas were used I wanted 10% MINIMUM!

Defunct Games:
Did you notice any changes since you sent that letter?

Dawn Gilbert:
They have changed scheduled programming on their TV stations, and for a while did not even advertise to play along with game shows on TV online because those were my ideas too, from a business plan of my creation copyrighted in 1999, legally!

Defunct Games:
Hmm, that seems awfully hard to believe. What did you do after that?

Dawn Gilbert:
I sent evidence to the FBI but all I see are more government commercials on Sony owned broadcast stations where their game advertisements used to be! Random House has stolen my copyrighted book and business plan, from which they are continuing to use my business ideas without paying me.

Defunct Games:
Wait a second, you had a book, too? What did they take from your book?

Dawn Gilbert:
Inventions from the book, such as stated in my business plan "the suit", they did not even bother changing it from a long tailed "TUXEDO" when they made the movie with Jackie Chan! They did not even change it a third by stating that most functions are ONLY accessible with the use (directory of uses) of the WATCH as well! Merchandizing ideas for these products were used to sell other authors products and series, such as Harry Potter ...

Defunct Games:
Hmm, this conversation is starting to veer off course a little, wouldn't you say?

Dawn Gilbert:
... my car innovations and weapons [among] other inventions used in James Bond (007) films and Men in Black, Or Blade (1-2!) and Queen of the Dammed. Random House Editors only changed my characters into black people, and they had chopped the storyline up even further to create video games, which they sell out to every software company available!

Defunct Games:
There is a Queen of the Damned video game?

Dawn Gilbert:
I have mailing receipts and letters to prove they received and used all of my material word for word.

Defunct Games:
All right, all right, I'll look it over. But in the mean time, have any "real" magazines (unlike Defunct Games, which is a fake magazine) offered to print your story?

Dawn Gilbert:
The magazine that was supposed to publish my story, Game Informer, is now paid to do a video game review show based on my design and my ideas, which were sent to Sony of America Attorney Riley Russell in a settlement negotiations contract proposal.

Defunct Games:
Actually, I don't think magazines are paid to review games, they get money from advertising, but it's not connected to the editorial staff. Anyway, let's get back on track here, tell me again, why did you send these complaints to Sony and not Rockstar Games, the company that makes the game?

Dawn Gilbert:
Sony Copyright attorney Riley Russell already said that, but pulled commercials immediately once my letters and evidence was sent to him! The ideas went to Sony and were used in a game by another company, it was Sony that gave them these ideas received from me through the U.S. mail.

Defunct Games:
Huh, well, those things you claimed to have suggested, like motorcycles in Vice City and more garage room, were they just inevitable parts of the game? Won't it be extremely difficult to determine that it was you that came up with the idea first?

Dawn Gilbert:
Not as hard to prove as you think. If the ideas and improvements were theirs why weren't they in the first three games, or any others made in the past ten years?

Defunct Games:
Well, I guess I don't have an answer to that. I suppose technology could play a part, or maybe it was something they intended to do. In the case of the motorcycles, as you mentioned before, Rockstar Games had them in the first couple Grand Theft Auto games. This may just be my observation, but wouldn't this just [be] a frivolous lawsuit?

Dawn Gilbert:
Not a fair observation when you can't even answer the question. If I didn't have proof Sony would not be pulling its advertisements on IT'S OWN COMPANY OWNED BROADCAST STATIONS!

Defunct Games:
Well ...

Dawn Gilbert:

Defunct Games:
Dawn, I think that's enough yelling ...

Dawn Gilbert:

Defunct Games:
DAWN!! QUIT YELLING AT ME, DAMMIT!!! Let's just calm down, get our heads straight, try to see eye to eye. I'm not the enemy!

Dawn Gilbert:

Defunct Games:
I said I'm NOT the enemy, so stop yelling at me. All I want to know is a little more about these stolen ideas.

Dawn Gilbert:
All items [I] sent were used WORD for WORD as can by easily seen in the evidence package sent to the FBI/FCC! Which is why most of their commercials HAD to be pulled or I could have gotten an attorney easier. The FBI came down here and cleared out some of the dirty attorneys I reported, but did not investigate Sony.

Defunct Games:
Hmm, that seems hard to believe, even a little ludicrous, if you know what I mean.

Dawn Gilbert:
My story is so "LUDICROUS" that they all took me seriously, and they are BIG organizations! Lawyers who took down all I wrote to prepare for a case against me while I begged for their help were busted, or at least investigated and STILL have to "lie low " and be good for a while! Police force was investigated because of letters I sent of the corruption in my area. AND I have letters from other publishers agreeing about the corruption of big business, the government and attorneys everywhere in the U.S.! Lawyers who took down all I wrote to prepare for a case against me while I begged for their help were busted, or at least investigated and STILL have to "lie low" and be good for awhile! Police force was investigated because of letters I sent to the corruption in my area. And I have letters from other publishers agreeing about the corruption of big business, the government and attorneys everywhere in the U.S.!

Defunct Games:
Well, of course big business is corrupt, that's like saying that Baseball is played with a ball. I guess what I have a problem with is that your claims all seem awfully vague. I mean, after I played Grand Theft Auto III I wished there were motorcycles, too, but that isn't going to make me sue anybody. Your letters are also a little difficult to read, filled with spelling errors and bad grammar, do you think this may have something to do with why you aren't being taken seriously by other magazines and websites?

Dawn Gilbert:
I did not apply for a job as a writer to any of these publications. My job is merely to be an inventory list of evidence for publishers and attorneys to review. My job is not to write the story for you which seem to most of what "editors" on the web expect, for writers to do their job for them.

Defunct Games:
No, you didn't apply as a writer, but considering how many young kids write complete bullshit to magazines and websites, I can certainly understand somebody not taking you seriously based on the way you present yourself.

Dawn Gilbert:
Web TV is NOT a computer that I can add word processing, editing or grammar programs to, spell check only works on short letters and sends others into cyberspace leaving you with an empty screen, so I usually will NOT use it. (Outside of the fact that I am tired of editors having a writer or machine do all the work for them while they take the credit for doing the job as editor!) My job is to get you interested enough in the evidence to publish a story and or interview. It is the magazine writers job to write the story, developed questions based on the evidence presented to them ...

Defunct Games:
Umm ...

Dawn Gilbert:
... nice of you to insult a handicapped person who is doing their best on a system designed for surfing, not publishing. Had you read the letters on my web pages you would know of the proof I have on editors and magazines being paid off not to publish, and the fact that I am visually impaired, legally blind. Sony does not mind stealing from the handicapped, why should you and other mind making fun of them.

Defunct Games:
Well, as you'll notice, you're the one that brought up your handicap. I simply tried to explain why you would have so many troubles being taken seriously. Obviously you can see well enough to play games and type, so what your blindness has to do with anything is beyond me, but if you're looking for sympathy, you're going to have to look elsewhere. Defunct Games does not print news, as we are a fake video game web site, and proud of it!

Dawn Gilbert:
All the ideas for [the] Grand Theft Auto entire series were based on MY BOOK series stolen from Random house. AND game ideas I HAD been sending SEGA for over ten years while asking for a job there. When SEGA broke up, it created several other software companies that used my ideas; probably including Rockstar Games.

Defunct Games:
Of course you realize that Sega's split had no impact on Rockstar Games. And really, if you're serious about this, why are you contacting everybody on a Web TV?

Dawn Gilbert:
Web TV is used so that hackers cannot virus and contaminate my files when I threaten to sue big company like Sony, as [it] HAS happened when I threatened to sue Random house!

Defunct Games:
Hmm, perhaps you should have a lawyer first and have them threaten the companies for you, so they are the ones getting these viruses.

Dawn Gilbert:
I have advised the small business owner to sue as viruses can be traced!

Defunct Games:
Hmm ...

Dawn Gilbert:
My computer has not been online since it was virused [sic] and will not go online, regardless of HOW WEBTV makes ME look as a writer. I have stated the interference with the Internet on my web page and the "coincidence" that my Web TV letters sent look remarkably like the now virused copy of my book, or files on disk anyway! Which is more definite proof of the interference you have completely and for no reason dismissed as you make fun of my writing, money can make anyone BIASED, seeing only what the want to I guess.

Defunct Games:
Well, considering I don't make any money for Defunct Games, and don't have any advertising, and have never been paid by Rockstar Games, Sony, Sega, or any other publishing company, I don't see how you can say that. Clearly you don't know what you're talking about.

Dawn Gilbert:
I'd love to see how your letters would look and how much I could make fun of all the "pretend to be intellectual EDITORS" like you!

Defunct Games:
Though a cheap shot, it's something I probably had coming. I'll be honest, I'm not the worlds greatest speller, but when it really matters (when I'm getting paid for something, or need it to be the best it can be) then I certainly make sure everything is in order. And when did I pretend to be intellectual? Have you even read Defunct Games??

Dawn Gilbert:
If I had the money for a patent attorney I wouldn't be asking for free publicity, great example of yellow journalism though, why I changed my major quickly at Kent State University: Trumbull Branch after spending a semester working for their newspaper and editor.

Defunct Games:
You're insulting me as a writer, as an editor, as a supposed intellectual, and as the reason you dropped out of journalism in college? What else are you going to do?

Dawn Gilbert:
This letter will be added to my web pages and posted for all to read on my FAQ's page for all to see and give opinions on.

Defunct Games:
Okay, well, I guess that's good to know. I don't suppose you can take us out on a really strange note, perhaps with a thought provoking question.

Dawn Gilbert:
I also sent resume letters and files of my ideas to George Lucas: Lucas films LTD,: Human resources division making a story a circle that revolved right back to the beginning that was my idea! I sent to the job resources: a secretary, and got a reply from their attorney division. How many people had seen and copied my information before it got there, or was sent back to me by he company attorney?

Defunct Games:
I guess that will do. Thanks for your time Dawn.

UPDATE: Cyril here again, after posting this article we received a number of other letters from Dawn, some of which were too crazy to ignore. As a special treat to all of our readers we have posted a second article on the subject. I welcome you to check out The People vs. Defunct Games, a three page article where we take Dawn Gilbert to task one last time.