Christmas 2002 - 28 Years Until Christmas

What did you do this Holiday season? I played a whole lot of games, enjoyed time with the family, and most importantly, wrote a daily, month long feature called "28 Years Until Christmas". All in all, it was a great month. Wait, wait, wait ... what was this about 28 Years Until Christmas? Oh, it was just this silly daily feature I posted. Each day I would pick a different year, and then an event that would happened in that year. For example, we'd pick the year 1992, and then brainstorm until we came up with an event that was important enough to pontificate about. For 1992 we chose Sega CD: What, Me Worry?, an article about the Sega CD, and other problems Sega had getting their consoles off the ground. Okay, that makes sense, so then, since there were 28 Years, you covered 1974 - 2002? No, not exactly. We only managed to talk about 1985 - 2002. The rebirth of the video game industry to the present day. Defunct Games only covers 1985 - 2002, so our 28 Years Until Christmas article followed suit Then how did you get 28 Years out of 17? Good question. Actually, we doubled up on a few of the years. You see, while some years aren't very exciting, others were bouncing with activity (or is it interactivity?). In the year 1993, for example, not only did Light Guns Begin To Suck but we realized that The Government Hates Us. So, we aren't treading on old ground, or anything. Wow, that basically answers all my questions ... oh, just one more thing: what gave you the idea of updating every single day between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Long time fans of Defunct Games will remember us doing a special called 33 Days Till Christmas. We looked at a lot of rare, hard to find "items" related to video games. It was a monster hit, and gave thousands of people great Christmas ideas. We thought we'd try something new this year, so we opted to educate, instead of showing you new toys and gadgets. Who knows what we'll do next year, but I'm sure it will be worth tuning in for. -Cyril Lachel