Introducing the 32 Dangerous Cheat Codes

The days are short, Christmas movies are in heavy rotation and old Saint Nick is double-checking his list of good boys and girls. It's a time when the weather refuses to cooperate and everybody can't wait to get into a fight at the local Walmart. In other words, I think it's time you come to grips with reality: The holiday season is upon us.

But don't worry about those obnoxious family get-togethers where your drunk Uncle argues politics while everybody hounds you about your relationship status, because we're about to introduce a 32 day special event that will count you down to Christmas like nobody else.

Let me introduce you to our newest series: 32 Dangerous Cheat Codes. It's a show where we dumpster dive through three decades of famous cheats to give you the full story.

This is not going to be one of those shows where I read off a bunch of boring codes. In fact, I have a hunch you won't even bother using the cheats in the episodes. What this series plans on doing is digging deeper into the codes and putting them in historical context. Learn why some of the most iconic cheat codes of all time turned out to be so influential. Think of them as short 2 or 3 minute documentaries about a subject you never knew you would be interested in.

But what makes this series truly unique is that we're going one step beyond the history lesson and exposing why each of these cheat codes are potential dangerous. The episodes will explore why the very idea of these codes could alter our very existence and even destroy the planet. That's why they are the 32 Dangerous Cheat Codes.

It all kicks off on November 24, Thanksgiving here in America. The plan is to publish a new episode every day leading up to Christmas Day, including the weekends. That amounts to 32 separate episodes that cover games like Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider, Street Fighter II, NBA Jam, SimCity, Super Mario Bros., Castle of Illusion, U.N. Squadron, Mortal Kombat, Metroid, Doom and many more.

I have so much more to say, but I'm trying not to spoil any of the surprises. What I can tell you is that this series will make you look at cheat codes in a completely different way, and I can't wait to show you what I've been working on. So mark your calendars and get ready for the very first episode on November 24.

In the meantime, I recommend you catch up on some of our past holiday specials. Last year we looked at the 30 Ridiculous Retro Rumors, where we dug through old game magazines to debunk rumors and predictions made in the 1990s. It's an absurd list that includes Die Hard Game Fan bungling countless Street Fighter III rumors, crazy Xbox 360 predictions, something called Grand Theft Auto: Sin City and all kinds of early VR speculation. At one point a magazine thought True Lies was going to be the sequel to Total Recall. No kidding.

Speaking of classic magazines, in 2014 we did a series where we looked at 29 different publications. We took a look at all of the classics, including well-known magazines like Next Generations, Die Hard Game Fan and The Adventures of GamePro, as well as a few mags you may not have heard of, such as Foul, Sega Visions and Turbo Play. If you've ever wanted to know more about classic games journalism, I recommend going through all 29 magazine retrospectives.

I'll link of these playlists at the end of the video and in the description box. They'll give you a good idea of what's to come on November 24, when I debut the first episode of 32 Dangerous Cheat Codes. I guarantee this will be the holiday's greatest series about the corrosive impact of cheat codes. Consider yourself warned.