HELP WANTED: Defunct Games is Looking for Voice Actors!

Are you somebody who likes to act? Do you own a quality microphone? Are you reading this right now? Then you may be the person we're looking for!

Defunct Games is looking for friendly people who have an interest in voice acting. Over the next few months, we'll be launching several new audio shows that require many different types of voices. I'm talking big voices, small voices, male voices, female voices ... just about any voice you can bring.

Some of these shows will be interview in nature, so we're looking for people who can act like they're being interviewed by Larry King. For those who are a little more adventurous, we will also be putting on 1940s-era radio plays that both satirize the format and make fun of video game culture. It's an ambitious project and we're looking for people who can be regulars. It helps if you have comedy timing.

But here's the important part, you have to have a quality microphone. I'm serious; a $10 plastic device isn't going to cut it. We're not looking for professional grade, but it is important that your voice sounds good.

If I haven't scared you off, then I recommend you get a hold of me immediately. Either shoot me an email or drop me a line on twitter @DefunctGames. Not only am I giving you a chance to act, but you'll also hear exclusive Defunct Games content weeks before it debuts on the site. Hell, you'll probably hear stuff that will never make it to the site. How cool is that?

Now, get going and send me an email. Or, if you want, you can listen to me read this help wanted sign. I don't know why.